Category Archives: Kitchen

A Slice of Home Green Beans Galore by Simone Bates

We have made it to November! Honest-talk time, how much candy is in your house right now? And how much is already gone?! I have a mom-confession: We took our kids to Diamond Lake’s trunk-or-treat event in Montezuma earlier this month. Liam has never done trick-or-treating, but we put him in an outfit and walked around...
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Happy Beggar’s Night By Megan Pothoven

Happy beggar’s night! We will be out and about with our three little ones, or I should say with our “puppy,” “kitty,” and little “pumpkin.” I have always wanted one of my babies to be a pumpkin for Halloween, I haven’t ever done it. With Archer just about to turn one and he still has...
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Farm to Table by Julie Van Manen

Kennedy with two of the many pumpkins she has helped pick this fall. As we conclude the last full week in October, there is still time to celebrate food in October!   First, National Pork Month comes to my mind as we received a new group of pigs at the beginning of harvest. Speaking of harvest, the end...
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Thelma & Bonnie’s By Cathryn Dunsbergen “Have a seat at my table”

This past month has been a whirlwind. We are starting to get into a routine with Blake’s school plus work schedule, Penelope’s school schedule, extra-curricular activities, and my work schedules. Yes, our calendar does look like a toddler took a marker to it, but that is our current season of life. Just call me the chaos...
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Giving thanks for harvest season by Megan Pothoven

Hayden made his soccer debut this fall. With fall underway, there have been a few new activities added to our family schedule. Hayden started playing soccer here in Sully, and I have been coaching his team this year. While I don’t think he really enjoys it, he is sure getting some energy out running around the...
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A Slice of HOME For Garlic Lovers by Simone Bates

This time of year, it’s extra exciting to go to our church. I mean, it’s always exciting to enter the house of the Lord, but when our fellow congregants start to harvest their gardens, it’s a double portion of blessing. If you head to the kitchen, you’ll find alongside the coffeetime brownies and cookies are...
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FARM TO TABLE by Julie Van Manen

Our crew of grandchildren has been busy selling sweet corn this summer. Saturday, Sept. 14, marked the first Saturday since June the crew has not picked sweet corn in the morning. From left, Kennedy holding Ana, Karter, and Isabella. This is our annual last day of sweet corn picture.   As I write this article, it feels...
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