Category Archives: Kitchen

‘A Slice of Home’ by Simone Bates

We love this time of year: Gorgeously warm sunshine, blue skies, and dry playground equipment - everything we need for a fun day outside! This mama loves keeping the kids outside as much as possible. Both Liam and Liesl are drawn like magnets to the sandbox or a pile of dirt. Liam has finally stopped...
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Meals that fuel us during busy season

By Megan Pothoven The Pothoven family stayed plenty busy during the spring season with my sister’s wedding, coaching track at Lynnville-Sully, and Adam turkey hunting. I thoroughly enjoy getting to spend my afternoons on the track with the girls who choose to participate in track. My kids also get a chance to spend some time with...
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‘Farm to table’ by Julie Van Manen

Wow! I think we had four days in a row that we have had no precipitation and three of those days without high wind! We ended up having to use the rain date last week for a farm tour, and it was a beautiful day! We enjoyed hosting 75 Des Moines Christian School students, their...
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‘Have a seat at my table’ by Cathryn Dunsbergen

April showers bring May flowers! Our part of the world has officially turned green. Flowers are blooming, grass is growing, and everyone is planting their gardens.
We recently planted our raised garden beds, which is probably my favorite activity during the spring. There’s nothing better than going to pick out the plants and dream of what...
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Support local farmers

Pictured above is the Vander Wilt family of rural Sully.            By Megan Pothoven With summer coming up, a fresh, juicy grilled hamburger sounds refreshing. Rather than shopping for meat at the grocery store, the Vander Wilts, of Sully, have fresh meat available for purchase. Trevor and Janae Vander Wilt, who have been married 20 years and live...
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‘A Slice of Home’ by Simone Bates

Grandma's Secret Recipes Those of us who have been married for a little while (14 years this July!) may not remember a time when we weren’t part of our husband’s or wife’s family. I hope, like me, you have joined a family that embraced you and folded you in to all the crazy love it shares....
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‘Farm to table’ by Julie Van Manen

Time just keeps marching on!  We have had an exciting, eventful month! Emily and Braden have moved to a new place (10 minutes from the farm!) On one of their moving days, we had a load of cattle that went out first thing in the morning; we unloaded some of their belongings, and in the afternoon a...
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