Clothing and school supply giveaway blesses hundreds

Submitted by Heart of Worship

The end of July brings many things – another summer wrapping up, the excitement of a school year approaching, and for Lynnville’s Heart of Worship Church, the third annual Pay It Forward event. After Pastor Tom Pool challenged our congregation with the motto, “Do Something,” our church family and community ran with the remarkable event. One of our favorite authors, Lysa Terkeurst, has said, “Generosity, it will release you, surprise you, and unlock a joy you can’t get any other way.” Pay It Forward allows us to experience firsthand the incredible feeling of generosity.

Pay It Forward is an event that our church prays over and prepares for all year long. Gently-used clothing is donated year round, and we are always on the lookout for bargains for the school supply giveaway. Friends and members of the church begin sorting clothes according to gender and size in April. Men and women purchase or prepare baked goods to be sold as a church camp fundraiser. This is truly a church family undertaking, as we have children and adults helping throughout the year doing everything needed for this event.

Finally, it is time for the big event! This year, Pay it Forward was held on the last Friday and Saturday of July. Approximately 30-plus volunteers from the church helped serve over 540 people who walked through the doors.

Each day, Heart of Worship Pay It Forward organizers and volunteers started the event in prayer. We prayed the families and friends that entered into the church felt God’s love and would be blessed. We prayed God blessed those who helped put on this event as well as those who donated clothes and worked at the event. There were prayers that paths would cross and conversations would be started with anyone who could be blessed in any way by the event.

As families pulled onto the church parking lot, they were directed by the Heart of Worship’s very own parking crew. Yes, that’s right, after two years of hosting this event, the third year we were prepared. This allowed us to fit hundreds of cars within short walking distance to the doors and gave jobs to some of the men of the church that often hear shopping combined with clothes and start looking for the closest doors!

Families started a line forming from the church doors to the grass field two hours in advance; kids were anxious to find school clothes, expectant mothers hoped to gather items in anticipation of their pride and joy. We had grandmas, grandpas, moms, dads, sisters, and brothers – you name it, we hosted families. In a world where we have become accustomed to a catch or a hook, people enjoyed a pure event free of gimmicks and expectations.

Children were overjoyed with “new” coats, hats, gloves, and clothes for school. One teenager was overheard talking about her excitement about finding so many nice things to wear. Several shoppers commented on the generosity and kindness of everyone who helped with the event. One little girl shopping with her mother asked, “I wonder what it would be like to go to church here?” What a joy it was to welcome people into our church who may not have a church home. It was amazing to see people enjoy stress-free shopping, and we were blessed to enjoy those moments with them!

Luke 22:27, Jesus said, “For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.”

We are so thankful and blessed to live in a generous, servant-minded community. Without your donations, we would not be able to pay it forward. We want to give a special thanks to 1st State Bank and Extreme Concrete for helping sponsor this event. We cannot thank our community enough for all of the donations of gently-used clothing. Please be watching for when we start collecting again for next year’s event!


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