Joann Zylstra, 92, formerly of Sully, died at St. Francis Manor in Grinnell on Wednes-day, July 16, 2014. Funeral services were held July 21 at Sully Christian Reformed Church. Interment was in Sully Cemetery. Memorials in her memory may be designated for the Sully Christian School.
Joann Winnie Lanser was born Oct. 4, 1921, near Killduff. Her parents were Johannes (John) and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bruxvoort Lanser. She attended the Sully Christian School. Her education was interrupted when her mother died when Joann was 15 years of age. She, being their seventh child, then helped her father keep house on their farm north of Sully. Joann was baptized at the Sully Christian Reformed Church where she made profession of her faith as a young adult. It was during this time that she met Ludolph Zylstra, and they were united in marriage on Apr. 1, 1943, at her family home at Killduff. To this union five children were born. Following their marriage they farmed north of Lynnville and then in the Searsboro vicinity. They continued to farm until their retirement in 1987 at which time they moved into Sully. During this time, Joann was a devoted homemaker and sold Avon Products. She was an avid gardener who could make something grow from almost nothing and enjoyed hosting weiner roasts for her family. She and Ludolph were privileged to have 62 years of married life together until his death on Dec. 15, 2005. Following his death, Joann continued living in their home at 304 2nd Avenue in Sully, and in October 2009, she became a resident at Seeland Park/St. Francis Manor in Grinnell. She loved to share hugs and kisses with her five children and their spouses, 15 grandchildren, and 29 great-grandchildren. Her children are: Terry (Linda) Zylstra of Steger, IL, Fonda (David) Benson of Grinnell, Denny (Dot) Zylstra of Lynnville, Joani (Norvel) Hasley of Hiawassee, GA, and the late Karma Lisk.
Joann’s original family consisted of 13 siblings of which the following are surviving: Her sister, Elizabeth (Betty) Nikkel of Sully; three brothers, Peter (Junella) Lanser of Denver, CO, John Wm. (Lois) Lanser of Pella, Marvin (Ruth) Lanser of Holland, MI; and a brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Daniel and Alb Van Wyk of Pella. Of her late husband’s family she leaves the following sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law: Evelyn Zylstra of Grand Rapids, MI, Harriet Zylstra, Quintin (Alice) Zylstra, all of Pella, Carla Zylstra of Sully, Joey Bandstra of Pella, Bertha (Jim) Talsma of Colfax, Revena (Frank) Gritters of Pella, Duke Zylstra of Sully, Linda (Donald) Rus, Art (Verna) Zylstra, all of Pella.
Joann was preceded in death by her husband; a daughter, Karma Lisk in March 2011; her parents; the following sisters and brothers and their spouses: Mattie and Henry E. Jansen, Brant and Johanna Lanser, Arie and Johanna Lanser, Durky and Gerrit Van Kooten, Nellie and Cornie Van Maaren, Henry and Clara Lanser, Harriet Van Wyk; a brother who died in infancy; her brother-in-law, Dewey Nikkel; her parents-in-law, Reink and Johanna Rolffs Zylstra, and the following brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law: Martin and Carol Zylstra, Ivan Zylstra, Bob Zylstra, Zeke Zylstra, John Bandstra, and Pat Zylstra.
Joann had always been a member of the Sully Christian Reformed Church.