Vote Tuesday, Nov. 3

Be sure to make plans to cast your ballot in the presidential election on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-9 p.m. statewide on Tuesday, Nov. 3, for the General Election. Voters will be casting their votes for federal, state, county, and nonpartisan offices as well as the judicial ballot.

Absentee ballots must have a return postmark of Nov. 2 or earlier to be eligible. Absentee ballots may also be turned into the county auditor’s office before the polls close on Election Day. The Jasper County Auditor’s Office will be open on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. for absentee voting.

After the polls close at 9 p.m. on Nov. 3, officials will begin tabulating the results. Results will be posted online at Jasper County’s website,, as soon as possible.

When Iowa voters reach the end of their ballot this fall, they'll have a chance to weigh in on whether the state Constitution should be changed.

The Iowa Constitution requires that every 10 years, the state must place a measure on the ballot asking Iowans if they support holding a constitutional convention to propose amending the state's Constitution. Iowans have voted against holding a convention in recent decades.

Local Jasper County General Election precincts are the Sully Community Center, Kellogg City Hall, and Monroe City Hall. Residents in the Elk Creek and Lynn Grove Townships vote at the Sully Community Center; residents in the townships of Hickory Grove, Kellogg, Buena Vista, Richland, and Rock Creek vote in Kellogg; and Monroe is the precinct for voters in the Palo Alto Township.

To find your precinct/polling place, visit the website

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