The City of Sully is sponsoring a city-wide cleanup day on Friday, Sept. 26, for Sully residents, which will coincide with the city’s regular weekly garbage and recycle pick up. City residents should have all items at the curb no later than 6 a.m. on Friday.
The following items are allowed: White goods such as air conditioners, dehumidifiers, freezers, refrigerators, clothes dryers, clothes washers, dishwashers, kitchen ranges, ovens/stoves, microwave ovens, furnaces, thermostats, water heaters, etc., but residents must have items placed at the curb and separated from other items.
General bulk items accepted will be: Furniture, televisions, computer equipment, lawn furniture, grills, worn-out clothing, bedding, scrap lumber, carpet, housewares, toys, bicycles, etc.
Also allowed are all gasoline-powered equipment (must be drained of gas and oil): Lawn mowers, weed eaters, tillers, snow blowers, etc.
Items not accepted are: Paint, toxic materials, yard waste, tree debris, slate or asbestos shingles and siding, batteries, cleaning solvents, pesticides, fertilizers, propane gas tanks, waste oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, antifreeze, and tires.