Lynnville Women’s Club celebrates 75th

The Lynnville Women’s Club celebrated its 75th anniversary with a luncheon and program on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Lynnville Friends Church. Founded in 1940, the club now has 13 members. Some skits were presented, as well as a reading of the list of accomplishments and activities during the past 75 years and some group singing. Members and former members shown at the Saturday event are, from left: Sitting, Bernice Smith, Ada Kay Van Maanen, Garnet Gertsma, Alma Veldhuizen, Marcile Ratcliff, Wanda Dunsbergen; second row, Carolyn Orndorff, Gretchen Ver Steegt, Miriam Schultz, Rose Mary Allbee, Virginia Walker, Harriet Fisk, Virginia Vos, Sharon Fisk, Marlis Van Zante; back row, Beth Jordan, Shirley Dunsbergen, Nancy Gray, Linda Latcham, Colleen Slaymaker, Joyce James, Sandy Gray, Donna Hoeksema; and left before picture taken, Jann Braaksma.

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