LSCEF awards over $7,000 in teacher grants


LSCEF teacher grant recipients in 2023 are, front row from left: Melissa Watson, Inspirations preschool teacher,  holding DTCC preschool teacher Liz Harthoorn’s certificate in her absence; Tara Williams, PE and activities director; Colleen Taylor, K-8 TAG/reading; Michaela Gunsaulus, K-5 guidance counselor; Sabrina Edsen, third grade; Tara Conover, art; back row, Mike Parkinson, high school social studies; Leigh Hornbuckle, high school special education; Shannon Bennington and Sara Johnson, kindergarten; Darin Arkema, industrial technology; Anna Conover, family and consumer sciences; Kevin Johnson, middle school language arts; and LSCEF Director Kyra Smith.


The Lynnville-Sully Community Education Foundation (LSCEF) kicked off the season of giving by awarding 12 Lynnville-Sully teacher grants totaling $7,081.56 during the staff professional development time on Thursday, Dec. 7.

Thursday marked the 11th time the LSCEF has presented teacher grants. This year’s grants were made possible largely thanks to a donation by the Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation as well as individuals and businesses who donate directly to LSCEF’s teacher grant program. To date, the LSCEF has awarded just shy of $65,000 in teacher grants.

“Each year, the LSCEF Board is thankful for the time that is given by staff to apply for these grants.  These staff members are dedicated to making the learning environment better and more exciting for our students,” said LSCEF Director Kyra Smith.

This year, over $7,000 of grants will go towards a variety of educational materials ranging from STEM materials to preschool tricycles to math curriculum. Every preK-12 teacher is invited to apply for the grants each year, then the LSCEF reviews each application and determines the grant recipients and monetary amount.

The 2023 recipients and the amount given for teachers’ intended purposes are:

Leigh Hornbuckle               Momentum Math, $833.04

Kevin Johnson and Tara Conover

Creation Station To Go, $804.52

Mike Parkinson   Keva Planks/STEM, $200

Melissa Watson   Preschool Tricycles, $420

Liz Harthoorn      Preschool Tricycles, $321

Sara Johnson and Shannon Bennington

STEM Materials, $400

Darin Arkema      Getting Rid of Dust is a Must, $575

Anna Arkema       Relationship Smarts, $500

Michaela Gunsaulus           Emotional ABC’s, $171

Colleen Taylor     STEAM, $958

Sabrina Edsen      Storytime STEM Packs, $1,000

Tara Williams       Yuki Ball, $899


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