Lynnville-Sully 2023 Homecoming was one for the memory banks with school pride soaring as high as the record-setting temperatures on the Hawks’ finale. Hawks and their faithful fans celebrated homecoming in a jam-packed week Sept. 25-29 featuring a variety of activities leading up to Lynnville-Sully’s football overtime victory over Mount Ayr. on Friday night.
Daily dress-up days, powderpuff games, class competitions, coronation, the parade, and so much more added to the excitement of homecoming.
On Thursday, Sept. 28, community members packed the high school gym for coronation. L-S cheerleaders pumped up the school spirit and debuted their new pom routine before class and senior parent skits provided the entertainment. The night ended with the crowning of homecoming royalty: King Corder Noun Harder, son of Nick Harder and Stef Noun, and queen Elise Alberts, daughter of Trent and Kari Alberts.
On Friday, Hawk fans lined the Sully square as all Lynnville-Sully K-12 students and staff participated in the parade. A short pep rally followed led by the high school cheerleaders. Friday night, the Lynnville-Sully Community Education Foundation hosted a freewill donation chili and cinnamon roll supper prior to the big football game against Mount Ayr.