Sully City Council met in regular session at 7 p.m., Monday, Apr. 10, at Sully Community Center and took care of business in 39 minutes. Present were mayor Brent Vander Molen, city clerk Barbra Maasdam, councilmembers MaryCarol Cross, Tim LeCompte, Dan Stouthammer, and Justin Van Soelen (via Zoom), and guests Wes Van Wyk, Brad Uitermarkt, and Margaret Vander Weerdt. Councilmember Jon Van Wyk was absent. The public could participate via Zoom electronic means.
Consent agenda approved Mar. 13 meeting minutes, payment of claims list, treasurer’s report, expense by function, equipment fund summary, and Revolving Loan Fund Summary.
Van Wyk spoke about the condition of waterway near the North Ridge Estates during public forum. Council will have it checked.
No one spoke during the public hearing on ballpark improvements, and the council went on to approve resolution for plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for the walking trail at the site. Uitermarkt reported bids were 14% higher than his estimated cost, but he also didn’t think reletting would be an option. He mentioned a couple possibilities for cutting out $12,500, including some testing and inspection costs removed as funds already there, which the council approved. As Uitermarkt of the city’s engineering firm Garden and Associates of Oskaloosa recommended, the council awarded the bid to TK Concrete Inc. of Pella in the amount of $159,740 with work to begin July 10. Four other bids (without the $12,500 testing and inspections subtracted) were: Pella Concrete Contractors of Pella for $174,970.50, Howrey Construction Inc. of Rockwell City for $179,603, Earth Works Inc. of Sully for $185,149.65, and Choice Concrete LLC of Des Moines for $192,294.05.
Following the public hearing at which no one spoke on the proposed FY2024 budget, the council went on to approve it in the amount of estimated total tax levy rate per $1,000 of $9.48218 for the $1,218,610 budget.
Resolution was approved for city hourly wage rates for city employees effective July 2023: Jeremy Behun, public works director, $26.65; Carver Behun, public works, $15.90; Jason Allbee, seasonal snow removal, $25.00; Bryce Grober, seasonal snow removal, $25.00; Barbra Maasdam, city clerk/
treasurer, $26.65; Debora Miller, cleaning personnel, $16.32; Judy Zegers, library director, $21.71; Abigail Squires, library assistant, $12.00; library substitutes at $12.00-Taylor Vos, Candy Van Zante, Stephanie Dykema, Kristina Raznik, Lana Goodrich, Darci Hood, and Kendra Fikse; as well as library summer coordinators, $12, Lisa Roose and Kelly Kauffman.
The following transfers were authorized for FY2022 into the equipment replacement account for future expenses related to the purchase of city vehicles, equip-ment, and WWTP cell dredging as budgeted: From general fund (parks) $2,500, from road use fund $14,000, from water fund $5,000, and from sewer fund $6,800.
Proposed FY2023 budget amendment was reviewed for items not originally in the budget and public hearing was set for next regular meeting on May 8.
The council considered the suggestion of payroll direct deposit choice for employees and council payroll with the following costs involved: Banyon Data Systems Direct Deposit ACH Module $995, annual support $195 for a total of $1,190 as well as First Interstate Bank fees of one-time setup and training fee of $20, monthly maintenance fee of $15, ACH batch fee of $5 and ACH per item fee of $0.09. After discussion which included convenience and pros and cons of the costs involved for about 10 paychecks a month seeming costly for the software and $1,500 yearly cost and the clerk had no preference, the council approved no payroll direct deposit at this time.
Kendra Fikse was approved as an as-needed library assistant, and summer coordinators Kelly Kauffman and Lisa Roose were also approved.
Second reading of ordinance amendment for parking regulations changing the time frame during snow events was approved along with waiving the third reading. The clerk is still reviewing parked vehicles when snow removal is not the issue.
Action sheet was reviewed.
City clerk report included Memorial Day weekend May 26-28 a Powered Paramotor Flying Poker Run will have one of its destinations as the Sully Airport. Storm spotter course will be in Jasper County Apr. 13. She received a call on sidewalk repairs due by June 30 and one question is 8th Avenue sewer project possibly caused the sidewalk to sink so whose repair is it. It was mentioned property owners signed a waiver to make needed repairs on their property due to the project. No bids have been received on oak display cabinet; plan to try selling on Facebook sale site.
Councilmember Stouthammer reported he was contacted by youth sports about bases being replaced, which the mayor reported has been done.
Councilmember Cross reported now that people have their windows open, how can all the barking dogs for long periods of time be stopped. No one had any ideas.
Councilmember Van Soelen appreciated the city’s Facebook notification about possible sketchy hail damage chasers, and he also wants to be sure roofs on city buildings have been checked. City insurance company will be contacted.
Mayor report was the meeting he and the park committee had with Mike Gunsaulus with youth sports went very well and he has done great with communicating so far, and a schedule is available already. He is youth sports contact for any issues that may come up this season, and mayor Vander Molen is the city contact for issues this season.
Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m., possibly shortest regular meeting ever.