Category Archives: News

First sign installed north of Sully, three more to come

Soon, new Welcome to Sully signs will greet visitors to Sully from all four directions. Last week, the first sign was installed by Co-Line Welding, Co-Line Graphics, and the City of Sully about a mile north of town. The very faded old welcome signs were taken down and as it seems with every project, a...
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Power outage, damage reported following storm

A storm front that rumbled across eastern Iowa delivered high winds and dropped heavy rain in the early morning hours of Tuesday, June 17. Some residents woke up during the storm and took precaution by moving to basements while others woke later to downed trees and limbs, strewn yard and play items, and a power...
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Story time fun

The finale Sully Library story time will be held Friday, June 27, at 2:30 p.m. with the Science Center of Central Iowa as "special guest scientist” to conclude this summer's reading program, "Fizz, Boom, Read!" All programs are free of charge. Call the library with questions at 641-594-4148 or check out the website at
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Tax rates drop 40 cents next year, fitness center lease renewal tabled

The Lynnville-Sully Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, June 16, in the high school library. Guests included Beth Steenhoek and Faye Brand. President John Terpstra called the meeting to order. It was moved to approve the agenda and the consent agenda including the minutes of the June 9 meeting, minutes of May...
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The Wooden Spoon by Shelly Rankin – 6/19/14

I hope Father’s Day found all you fathers out there doing well! Ours was filled by the sounds of “Waaaaahh” followed by a “sluuurrrrp, glug, glug” followed by the soothing sound of crickets. Oh, what I mean to say is this house is either filled with crying or sleeping. This home’s latest theme song -...
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Remember When – 6-19-14

35 years ago (1979) Vander Linden Construction and JaCo Construction of Lynnville replaced the flat roof on the Lynnville Post Office with a new structure. Reporters for local 4-H clubs were: Bonita Brand, Lynn Grove Hustlers; Bev Vos, Sugar Creek Mountaineers; Greg Melsa, Sugar Creek Mountaineers; and Julie Dunsbergen, Richland Go-Getters. In the want ads section, Ken Hackert...
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Press INKlings: Ways to say congratulations

I might just have to start reading dictionaries! I’ve heard of people who do that when they’re bored. Not that boredom is anywhere in my near future, but we use for spelling verification and sometimes I get interested in other things on the website and forget what word I was needing to spell correctly....
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