Category Archives: News

The DeeZee Spirit by Darrell Zegers – 7/24/14

My oldest daughter took a job in some medical paperwork field that seems to be complicated. She flew out over the weekend to Albany, NY. I washed her car and filled it with gas this morning because she has to go to Minneapolis today to take care of some business. She might have her hair done...
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First pavers placed at Jasper County Freedom Rock

Last week, the first pavers honoring veterans were placed at the Jasper County Freedom Rock located in the southeast corner of the Sully Central Park. The engraving company is engraving the pavers as time allows and finished pavers are placed as they arrive in Sully. Blank pavers now in place will eventually be replaced with...
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Four sisters + six countries + 18 days = Trip of a lifetime

Van Der Wilt sisters Carleen Maasdam of Lynnville, Sharon Van Wyk of Searsboro, and Nancy Huyser and Denise Arkema of Sully had the trip of a lifetime June 11-29. The four toured throughout Europe and had a special time together as they visited the country their ancestors came from and took in the sights and...
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Weird Animals: SCRC and SFRC VBS

God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures, including all of the children in grades kindergarten through sixth grade who attended the Sully Christian Reformed and First Reformed Churches’ Vacation Bible School July 7-10. The four-day Bible school held in the evenings centered around the theme “Weird Animals, Where Jesus’ Love Is One-Of-A-Kind”...
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Tornado siren equipment reviewed, water woes discussed by Lynnville Council

The Lynnville City Council met in regular session with Lynnville Mayor Pro Tem Bev Van Maanen calling the meeting to order and leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests included Faye Brand, Mark Van Wyk, and Ryan and Tanya Nikkel. Councilmember Kevin Arment was absent, Lynnville Mayor Kelly Bryan arrived later, and councilmember Roy James left...
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Van Soelen resigns from Sully City Council

The Sully City Council met in regular session on July 14. All members were present except Darin Morvant. Council member Brett Van Soelen informed the council last month that he would be moving outside the Sully city limits. This month, he submitted his letter of resignation effective July 18, and the council accepted the resignation and...
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