Category Archives: Kitchen

From the Kitchen of Sabrina Smead

Sabrina Smead of rural Newton has developed a routine on Sunday afternoons after church that keeps her family’s busy weeks a little less chaotic. The mother of four growing boys takes her thoughtfully compiled and budget-friendly grocery list to Hy-Vee and purchases all she needs for a week of quick yet healthy meals. She then...
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Recipes from the left-handed perspective

Recipes from the left-handed perspective   Aug. 13 was International Left Handers Day, a day founded in 1992 in the United Kingdom to celebrate the uniqueness of southpaws, or people who have mastered using their predominant left hands in a right-handed world. I, myself am right-handed, but have lived my life sandwiched in between two lefties: My...
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Thelma & Bonnie’s: Have a Seat at My Table

Good morning, all! I am writing this week’s article from the breakfast table on our family vacation. I will be returning the week everyone is reading it, so instead of listening to waves crash in the morning, I will be enjoying a cup of coffee at my own kitchen table. Sorry! I had to pause for a...
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From the Kitchen: Christine Morningstar

Christine Morningstar has come a long ways since her early days in the kitchen. Nowadays, the Sully resident finds cooking for her family of seven is pretty easy as they “eat anything really, and for the most part, they love it all.” Rewind a few decades and one of Christine’s creations in the kitchen wasn’t quite...
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Thelma & Bonnie’s: Have a seat at my table

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! Blake and I had a full day; we ran in the Sully Fun Run, hosted a get-together at our place with friends, and lit some loud fireworks off in his parents’ driveway. If you didn’t participate in the Sully Fun Run or the activities in downtown...
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Thelma and Bonnie’s, “Have a seat at my table”

                Hello, summertime. It’s nice to see you old friend. As I write this article, Blake is filling up our $48 pool from Walmart. Let’s just say I am super pumped because that means summer is officially here.

                What does summer remind you of? Summer reminds me of washing cattle in preparation...

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