Eden Barbara Louise

Brandon and Noelle Husmann of Taintor are the parents of a daughter, Eden Barbara Louise Husmann. She was born Mar. 8, 2017, weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces, and was 19.5 inches long. Johnny, her big brother, is 23 months old.

Grandparents are Lance and Sharon Husmann of Mt. Auburn, Duke and Lisa Dierks of Cedar Falls, the late Barb Dierks, and Marlo and Ruth Jansen of Sully.

Great-grandparents are Merlin and Mary Lou Kraus of Anita, Nile and Judy Husmann of Center Junction, Darryl and Pat Dierks of Arizona, Verle Jansen of Sully, and Norma Conover of Lynnville.

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